For the new applicants taking the in person classroom the time is a minimum of 4 hours, maximum of 6 hours. With the volume of material that needs to be covered for your training our goal is not to rush through vital information regarding carrying of a handgun. We believe students should be well informed and understand the law.
The range time is not part of the 4 to 6 hour classroom time.
The grace period after the license expires is still 364 days.
Our class is a one day class with coffee and tea provided.
Thank you for choosing Schiller Arms to meet your LTC training needs. We are located in Bryan-College Station and serve Central Texas in providing information and training to obtain a handgun license. The course covers classroom instruction on gun storage and child safety, and Texas laws regarding use of force, deadly force, conflict dispute resolution and licensing requirements. 9 mm loaner guns are available at no charge.
We offer a Basic 101 Marksmanship Course and it is done by appointment only. The cost is $35 and takes about one hour per student. Students are to bring their own ammo. Loaner guns are available at no charge. This course teaches gun safety, gun handling and marksmanship plus prepares the student for the LTC range qualifications. Please email for an appointment. Classes are taught Monday, Wed, and Friday starting at 1:30PM. Tuesday and Thursday start at 10:30AM.
Class and/or course Costs:
$60 License To Carry Class for new applicate applying for a license
$35 Basic 1 on 1 Marksmanship Coure.$40 Completion of Online Course Form LTC 101
State of Texas Licensing Fees for new license & Renewals
$40 Standard Conditions $40 for Indigent (fall below proverty threshold)
$40 for renewals under 60 years - $35 for Seniors 60 or over at time of application
$35 Indigent (fall below poverty threshold) regardless of age
$25 Veterans (Honorably Discharged)
$0 Active military or less than one year of discharge
$25 Honorably Retired Peace Officers
$25 Retired Federal Officers (Honorably Retired)
$25 Retired Judical Officer
$0 Felony Prosecuting Attorney or Assistant of US Attorney or Texas Attorney
$25 Active Judicial Office/Supervision or Juvenile Probation Officer
Passport Photos
Photos are no longer needed since DPS uses your Texas ID/DL for your LTC photo
Effective March 1, 2011, all fingerprinting has to be done by . Law enforcement and instructors are no longer allowed to take fingerprints.
Their fee is $9.95. Brazos Valley Computer Store is located at 1055 Texas Ave S, CS next door to Dave Burdett Gun Store.
Course Includes:
- Classroom Instructions
- Range Instructions
- Range Fee
What do I bring?
1) ID/Driver's License.
2) Payment of $60 for a new class- check or cash.
3) 50 rounds of ammo.
4) Water or snacks for the range time.
5) Weather appropriate clothing - high neck shirts and baseball cap can help reduce hot brass burns.
6) Weapon you intend to use at the range (or let us know you'll use a loaner. We have plenty.)
7) Use map on this website to locate us.
How do I sign up?
Please send the following information to:
First Name, Middle Initial, Last Name, Suffix (if applicable)
Street Address
City, State Zip
Home Phone Number
Alternate Phone Number (extension if necessary)
Desired class date
Note: This email is not sent over a secure connection!